CT Businesses - updates to business sector rules


Excerpt from an email from the CT Department of Community and Economic Development to local business owners:


We want to make you aware of several updates to industry-specific rules that may impact your business. These changes were made in close consultation with industry leaders and public health officials. 

Please visit the State’s official business sector rules page for changes pertaining to your industry. When viewing the sector rules documents, you will see all updates in red.

Some critical changes to note:

·        All businesses now have the right to refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask

·        Employees who have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask must now provide medical documentation to their employer

·        Self-service beverage stations are now allowed to operate, provided all new protocols are followed

Please note that if your business or non-profit has already completed the self-certification process as part of Phases 1 or 2, you do not need to re-register. However, you must comply with any new rules for your sector.

Thank you for continuing to adopt these enhanced protocols as we further our mission to make business safer in Connecticut.

Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development

PS – You can view all the latest business sector changes right now.