COVID Update 1/7/2022

Hello Brookfield  -

we were all hopeful for a better start to 2022, but as is the case with so many towns, Brookfield unfortunately has huge numbers to report this week. For the two weeks ended 1/1/22 we had 413 cases. 147 cases week 1 and 266 cases week 2.  Our case rate is 173.8 up from 99.7 the week before.  Positivity rate is now 21.8% up from 12.8%, making us 27th in ranking of towns in the State. Fairfield and New Haven Counties have the highest rates.  Dr. Sullivan suspects the numbers will remain high for another week or two before easing off.  As Dr. Sullivan anticipated, there is no doubt spread is up because of gatherings for the holidays where there was close contact transmission. Fortunately, the Omicron variant is less severe and most testing positive are experiencing less severe symptoms and are recovering well. The shortage of test kits could account for much of this spread and we continue to receive reports of positive students and staff commensurate with the town rates. The “layered approach” is still recommended by Dr. Sullivan: up to date shots, good hygiene (frequent & adequate handwashing), mask wearing, and social distancing. Stay tuned for another notification of a limited number of test kits for distribution. Town Hall vaccination clinic information is as follows:


Brookfield Health Department Vaccine Booster Clinics:
Offering Moderna and J & J Booster Doses
We do not carry Pfizer

Town Hall- Room 129, 100 Pocono Road, Brookfield CT 06804
Tuesdays 10 am to 1pm and Thursdays 3pm to 6pm

The clinics will continue through the end of January.

No appointment needed - walk-ins only. Must provide proof of primary vaccination series at vaccine clinic, and bring a photo ID.