2021-01-29 CoronaVirus Update #45


To:        All residents
From:    Steve Dunn, First Selectman


As of yesterday, Thursday the 21st of January, Brookfield remains in the Red Zone.

The State has not yet issued a report on the number of new cases as they have usually done in the past. The State did issue a report today showing that 37.3% of our seniors 75 and older have received the first dose of the vaccine. This is a very good start but we have a way to go.


GETTING A VACCINE APPOINTMENT for 1st dose for those aged 75 and older:

If you have not signed up yet, please go to the town website and fill out the form. We will enter your information into the VAMS system and you will receive an email instructing you how to register and make an appointment. If you have not received an email inviting you to register please check the town web site for further assistance on steps to take. Each person wanting to get vaccinated must have their own unique email address.

As the State adds groups to who is eligible to receive the vaccine, we will upload those whose names we have and who qualify to the VAMS system and you will receive an email with instructions.

 We continue to urge all residents to register for Brookfield’s vaccination list if you meet the criteria of being 65 or older or if you are immune compromised.

Here is the link to the sign up form:


If you are having trouble with using a computer please reach out to a neighbor or family member to help you with the registration process. It is not possible for us to assist all residents.



Brookfield has opened appointment slots for 2nd Dose appointments on 2/18, 2/19, 2/25 and 2/26.  Brookfield only the Moderna vaccine.

To schedule your second dose VAMS Appointment:

  1. The second dose of Moderna vaccine must be at least 28 days after the 1st dose.  It cannot be any sooner. It can be a few days later. Please check your vaccination card to determine the date of your first dose before scheduling an appointment. 
  2. Log into your VAMS account using the same link, email and password you created for your first appointment.
  3. Following the steps, search for Brookfield Health Department Moderna 1st and 2nd dose clinic.
  4. Select available appointment that is 28 days or more after your 1st dose.
  5. If all the appointments are filled for our Brookfield Health Department Clinic, search other available clinics in Greater Danbury and New Milford to schedule a second dose. Keep checking the VAMS appointment site. As more vaccine becomes available clinics will begin offering more appointments for second doses.
  6. Please bring your vaccine card with you to the 2nd dose clinic.

Brookfield will continue to offer our 1st dose vaccination clinics on Thursdays and Fridays at the Brookfield Senior Center through the month of February.  Vaccine recipients must use the CDC-VAMS system to schedule an appointment.


CT DPH Announcement of Vaccine Eligibility:  COVID-19 Vaccine in Connecticut: Main Portal

Eligible now:     1a    Healthcare, Public Health, Long term care

1b   Adults 75 years and older and individuals living and staff that work or reside in congregate homes that share living spaces.

Coming soon:

Individuals 65-74 will be next in line for scheduling, followed by frontline essential workers and individuals with a high-risk medical condition.


Frequently Asked COVID Vaccine Clinic Questions | Brookfield CT

Don’t like VAMS or Computers?  CALL the VAMS Appointment Hotline at 877-918-2224 but be prepared to wait your turn for an available volunteer working with the United Way of Connecticut and 211.

WORDS OF GRATITUDE: On a personal note, I would like to offer our gratitude to all those neighbors and friends who are assisting our most elderly residents navigate the VAMS sign up system and get them appointments.